Posted by on February 22, 2020

The U.S. Hotshot Association (USHA) is sponsoring the 2nd annual fundraiser to support Hotshots and their families during significant time of need when tragic events such as injuries and loss of life occur. Through this fundraiser we are sharing the proceeds with the Wildland Firefighter Foundation (WFF) whose mission is similar to the USHA. 

Hotshots are 20 person crews from across the nation with their primary purpose being wildland fire suppression. These crews operate in a high risk environment where injuries and loss of life periodically occur. The main focus of the U.S. Hotshots Association is to support Hotshots and their families during significant time of need when tragic events such as injuries and loss of life take place. Our mission when such event occur is to support the Hotshots and their families with moral and financial support. To fund our mission, the USHA is sponsoring its 2nd Annual Sporting Clay Fundraiser scheduled for May 1st, 2020 Southwest of Bakersfield CA.

When tragedy strikes, that person’s life and their families may be negatively affected forever. These hotshots, wildland firefighters, and their families cannot be forgotten but included in efforts to ease their loss and suffering. This effort may be long term through maintaining contact and include appropriate support for the effected children such as scholarships and or other appropriate activities. “Doing the right thing for the right reason” which is a bias for action that supports the mission of the USHA and WFF.

Please be part of the mission of the USHA to help those that are in dire situations with tragic events. I ask you to be a sponsor to make a bad circumstances better. Visit our web site to learn more about the U.S. Hotshots Association. Also on the website is information regarding our fundraiser. Follow the directions for details on how you can help by becoming a sponsor.

Thank you in advance of your commitment.